A couple of questions about Parque Rural de Anaga

A couple of questions about Parque Rural de Anaga

Hello, thanks a lot for the infos provided! Just two questions regarding the hiking Anaga post: https://overhere.eu/blog/anaga-mountains-tenerifes-green-treasure/ 1 - red lines on the map indicate trekking trails, am I right? If so, here is the second question. 2 - I am only 20 so I cannot take a car. I think I still can make a great trip with the bus that goes to Benijo. I would like to go from Benijo to faro de Anaga and back. Do you remember if the trail Benijo > Las Palmas de Anaga > faro de Anaga is in good conditions? Do you think it's ok going alone? Thank you!

by Francesco

Edited by: Bartosz Dabrowski Tenerife Hiking

Hi Francesco! Thanks for reaching out. 1 - red lines - yes they are hiking paths, pale red(pink) lines are the hiking paths planned to be built (may be available by now but can't be sure) 2 - Yes, just zoom it in google maps on earth view, this path is clearly distinguishable on satellite photo - should be still in good condition. If you are going alone remember to notify someone where you are going and when you will be back from the trek, just in case. There shouldn't be any dangerous just be careful. There may be many goats around there but we found they are not aggressive when we stay cool. Wish you a great time on your trek!

by Bartosz


Joanna & Bartosz

Joanna is a wife, mother and an avid hiker at day, and a blogger at night. Whenever she wants to feel happy, soothed, inspired or reminded of her true nature, she heads into the mountains. She loves Poland and eating chocolate after 8 PM.

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