
How to Travel Smart in Poland

The home crafted "Travel Poland Cheatsheet" is the source of essential knowledge for everybody considering visiting Tatras or entire Poland.

We always ask ourselves how readers of our blog could minimise time-waste and reduce stress on their journey with the content we provide. That's why we decided to create the ultimate "Travel Poland Cheatsheet".

What it covers?
  1. Safety precautions
  2. Money & Expenses
  3. Practical Travel Info
  4. Culture & People
  5. Law and offences

Main features
  1. Easy design with graphics
  2. Easy to digest knowledge
  3. Insightful facts
  4. Practical

Understand better polish people and their culture. Stay more confident on your journey.

Must Know & Safety in Poland Travel

I remember when I moved to London from Poland for the first time about 12 years ago. It was fascinating to see all cultural, law and world-view differences. Now, we live in Poland and continue to explore it. I met and know many people from the Western world ,I get to understand all contrasts clearly. Cultural conflicts, way of life, and often verifying falsy perceptions are my interest area.

We created a travel blog with mission to make travelling easy, particularly travelling to Poland for maximum comfort and safety. After many fascinated trips and many inquiry questions from our global readers, I decided to collect all our experience and essential information into the great cheatsheet about Poland designed for foreign tourists.

The cheatsheet is two large pages of infographic full of information beautifully styled and arranged into document format.

This cheatsheet we are excited to offer on our travel blog that helped and inspired many fellow travellers.

Hear up our story

Our mission is to help you to get better information on how to stay safe and prepare well for your trips. Also we want to save your time, money and energy with good planning.

We lived both in Poland and the United Kingdom. Seeing both worlds, we understand what every folk coming here would need to know.

Our speciality is smart travel, and given all the places we visited 50+ of multi-day trips and 200 articles written we have things to share with you!

Meet the team of Travel Smart

Bart is an engineer in the software security industry. He also helps to build online start-ups. Loves to create content, in his youth he wrote a comic book of 500 pages (not published).

Joanna is an international customer specialist at day and a blogger at night. She has aspirations to become a full-time Zen Master someday because she finds her greatest inner-peace quickly when travelling to places surrounded by nature.

We hate when we have to rush or stress during our vacation, that's why we want for everybody to feel as comfortable in our country as natives could be. Give your time and energy to things that really matter.

By purchasing our content, you help support our creation process. Most of our content is free.

We guarantee information included in the Cheatsheet are worth having on the journey to Poland. It is much more than you could remember from professional consultancy session. If you after the purchase are disappointed or unhappy for the reason you explain we will charge back the money to you.

Is Poland still poor? How expensive could it be?


Learn above and much more in our Poland cheatsheet
