I’ve got to admit we haven’t travelled much recently. If it wasn’t for a very important and exciting reason, lack of travel would definitely stifle my happiness and make me not much fun to be around. But fortunately, I’m sacrificing my weekends and saving up my holidays for a very special cause.
So here we go -
we’re getting married in July
We’ve recently been organizing wedding stuff. I must admit it’s time-consuming and requires multitasking at times but it’s really EXCITING and definitely not as bad as people say. Getting things done kind of gives me rewarding feeling. And we’re slowly becoming wedding experts.
To start with, we use Trello to keep everything in order. We’d probably manage with doing traditional paper lists but, oh dear! Why should we, if there’s so convenient web application created to organize stuff?
There’s already hundreds of websites giving wedding advices and offering to-do lists. I guess I checked them all last year 😉
The greatest piece of advice I can give you is simple but not that obvious to many people - start organizing stuff as soon as possible . This is especially important if your partner isn’t very eager to help you with the preparations.
Simply start with planning the budget – it’ll make all the preparations much more predictable.
When you get the budget done the coast is clear! There are loads of things which you can get in great advance – wedding dress, invitations, reception venue, rings, DJ, photographer – you name it! And the sooner you'll have these things, the better! Believe me - it'll save you a great deal of stress later on!

But beware! Once you choose a thing, regardless if it’s wedding dress or invitation layout, don’t go back to it, don’t browse the Internet, don’t compare, don't get back to it every second day . It’s very important to move forward because you'll end up stressed out and getting things ready in the last minutes. I know perfectly well that the majority of people (especially women) are prone to the feeling that “there is always something to improve”.
To be honest, I can’t imagine organizing my wedding in, hmmm, 3-months period. It may be possible but I don’t even want to think how stressful it would be. Especially when it comes to traditional Polish wedding which I’m going to describe in later post.
People tend to worry. A lot. So here’s my last advice – worry only about things you’ve got control over . There’s so much stuff you actually can control that it’s really senseless and a great waste of time to worry about things you don’t have control over. So:
- don’t you wonder what’s the weather going to be on your special day (checking the forecast 2 weeks before also counts as unnecessary).
- Don’t you worry about the pimple which may or may not appear on your face that day.
- And don’t contemplate how many guests would turn down your invitation.
Five hundred years ago, Michel de Montaigne said: My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened . Remember that quote?
What is your approach to organizing a wedding?