No need for mainstream - hiking bachelorette party

Hiking bachelorette party in the mountains
By Joanna Dabrowska

By Joanna
(Contact Me)

Lifestyle July 25, 2016, 5:53 p.m. Poland Żywiec Beskids Rysianka 2016 Lifestyle

This post's message is very simple - do what you feel like doing. There's absolutely no need to do what everyone else expects you to do, if you've got better idea how to spend your time. In the end, it's only you who knows perfectly well what are your needs at the moment.

So, It was time for my bachelorette party and I absolutely didn't feel like dancing . The period in which I partied few times per week and drank loads of alcohol has passed and it seems it isn't returning. Not even an echo left. What I now need most is peace, balance, self-development and nature . As much nature as possible.

Being in such phase in my life, it felt natural to organize a hiking bachelorette party. Is there better place for a mountain girl than mountains? 😉

Hiking bachelorette party in the mountains

I know some of my friends expected me to have "traditional" bachelorette party. Heavy drinking at home and then wild clubbing until dawn, male stripper included - that's the essence of hen party according to some of my colleagues.

Well, not my cup of tea.

By the way, some of my "friends" didn't even bother to respond to the invitation for my hiking bachlorette. Hmm, let me think... Looks like I couldn't care less.

Anyway, there was quite a lot of stuff on my plate before the wedding. Fortunately, my sister offered to organize hen party for me. She chose Żywiec Beskid mountains - very picturesque range in southern Poland. Our destination was Rysianka mountain hut (1322 metres). The hike was very pleasant and easy. Beskid mountains offer perfect hiking trails for families with children or people who start their adventure with mountains.

Żywiec Beskid mountains in southern Poland

So, during my bachelorette there was no alcohol, no stripping dancers, no loud music. But there was fresh air, brilliant views and laid-back atmosphere. And gosh, how great the day was! If someone tells you that you can't have fun in the mountains, don't listen. You can.

Besides having time to actually talk with my friends and exercising my muscles on the trail, I got the added bonus: no hangover the next day. Not even the slighest headache. Only toned muscles and delicate suntan.

Hiking bachelorette party in the mountains

To quickly sump up - do what your instincts tell you to . It's basically you that know what you fancy at the moment and what are your needs.

If some people don't want to join you in your choices - that's all right. You'll find friends who would share your interests, whom you can relax with. I know this may sound like a cliché to many people but I'm still learning this way of life. Life in which I think about my needs in first instance. In the past, I used to do what other people wanted me to and it simply didn't feel right. Now, I'm slowly gaining my independence. If I lose a few collegaues on the way, that's fine.

Special thanks to my friend Dorota from Born Globals who gave me her brilliant photos laugh

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