Sleeping on your shoulder

Sleeping on your shoulder

How long before you were able to sleep on the shoulder you dislocated ? How long did it take for your axillary nerve to heal allowing the deltoids to work again ? I dislocated mine and sheared off a part of the ball at the top of my humerus. They had to do a partial shoulder replacement on me and the axillary nerve was damaged. I’m exactly at 4 months post surgery and have been doing PT twice a week since the 4 week mark. Extending my arm out to shoulder height is still extremely difficult. I’ve always been mostly a right side sleeper (same side I dislocated) and I would love to sleep on that side again :(

by Terry C

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Joanna & Bartosz

Joanna is a wife, mother and an avid hiker at day, and a blogger at night. Whenever she wants to feel happy, soothed, inspired or reminded of her true nature, she heads into the mountains. She loves Poland and eating chocolate after 8 PM.

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