We’re not 100% vegans, but we’ve significantly limited animal products in our diet. We did this to stay in shape, feel better and take care of the environment. We also try to avoid candy from shops – they taste great, but we just don’t feel very well after indulging in chocolate or some sugary cakes. Such sweets are usually of poor quality, full of refined sugar and trans fat.
I have to admit that since we stopped eating meat and dairy so often, we both have lost weight and gained some additional energy.
Anyway, let’s leave out pros and cons of vegan diet. What I want to present here are 3 easy, no-bake and super healthy desserts which will make even the most confirmed carnivore weep with joy. Those desserts are packed with nutrients and free of all most common allergens:
→ no gluten
→ no lactose
→ no hydrogenated fat
→ no eggs
And they taste like heaven! They are so filling and good for your health, that you can have them for breakfast – those desserts are fantastic way to start your day.
Last, but not least, they are fast to prepare which is very important to me - I'm definitely not a fan of spending half a day in the kitchen. Generally cooking is OK, but after a busy day all I want is quick, sweet comfort. 😉
Table of contents
1. Avocado and banana chocolate pudding

This one is so fast and easy that you can prepare it spontaneously, when your craving for sweet is so sudden and strong, that you wouldn’t wait more than 5 minutes. 😉
What you need here:
- 2 bananas
- 1 avocado
- 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
- A splash of plant milk (about 5-6 tablespoons)
- 2-3 tablespoons of agave nectar (you can use your other favorite natural sweetener – date or maple syrup will do the trick as well)
- Few berries and almond flakes for decoration

You just blend them to a smooth pudding and voilà – you have yummy and nourishing dessert full of vitamins and antioxidants. If you find the mass too thick, just add a bit of plant milk.
Quick hint – ripe fruits are the best.
2. Red kidney beans pudding

This one is just as easy as the first dessert, however kidney pudding will keep you going for much longer.
When you avoid meat and dairy, the main source of protein in your diet are legumes – beans, chickpeas, lentils. So, additional valuable protein in the form of tasty dessert comes just in handy.
You’ll need:
- 1 cup of soft kidney beans
- 1/2 cup of plant milk
- 4-5 tablespoons of agave nectar
- 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
- 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
- Few berries and coconut shreds for decoration

I cook beans myself as I avoid canned food . I do wait for a day when in Polish groceries there will be red kidney beans available in glass jar. Currently, we have either cans or dry beans, so I go for raw legumes and cook them myself.
Leave them in filtered water for at least 8 hours. Then, get rid of this water and use fresh one to cook the beans. If you don’t soak them beforehand, cooking the beans will take ages.
Cook them for about 50 minutes – it’s definitely enough to get them nice and soft. Hint: use about half a teaspoon of baking soda for cooking the legumes - they'll get soft much quicker.
Drain the beans, blend all the ingredients and here you are – nutrient-packed, delicious pudding which will fill your stomach for long hours.
If you find it difficult to blend it to a creamy pudding, just add some more plant milk or water from cooking the beans (it’s very nutritive).
3. Millet à la Snickers

This one will take a bit more time, but it’s soooo worth it! It looks amazing, and tastes even better!
Millet is gluten-free grain which contains loads of vitamins and minerals and lowers type 2 diabetes risk - it’s definitely worth to include it in our diet. To be honest, I’m not a big fan of savoury meals with millet grains, but I love it as sweet dessert. I think its taste goes much better with sweet stuff.
Necessary ingredients:
- 1/2 cup of millet
- 1/2 cup of cashew nuts
- 1/2 cup of coconut shreds
- 4 cups of plant milk
- 1 cup of water
- 4-5 tablespoons of agave nectar
- 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract or half a vanilla stick
- Half a cup of dates
- 2 spoons of peanut butter

First part of preparing this dessert starts with the cashews. Leave the nuts in water at least 4 hours in advance – they need to get soft and easy to blend. I usually leave them in water overnight.
When your cashew nuts are soaked, let’s get the millet ready.
Rinse the grains well. Put them in a pot and pour one cup of water and three cups of plant milk. Cook it slowly , without the cover. Hint: for cooking the grains you can add water from soaking the nuts – it’s full of nutrients. When the millet absorbs the majority of liquid, add coconut shreds and pour in one more cup of plant milk. I know it’s a lot of liquid, but we need our millet to be a bit overcooked, so that it blends easily.
When all the liquid is absorbed, turn off the heater and let’s blend!
Take 2 tablespoons of millet and coconut, add them to cashew nuts and blend it all until it becomes smooth. Then, add the rest of cooked millet and blend it to a nice mass. If it’s too thick, don’t hesitate to add some more plant milk . When blending, add agave nectar and vanilla extract.
When all is nice and smooth, divide the pudding into two parts. Add two tablespoons of cocoa powder to one of them and mix it well - we want to have distinct colors in our dessert.
Take your high glasses and make nice layers - cocoa mass goes at the bottom, bright pudding on it. Remember to leave some space for the mouth-watering caramel-like top layer.
You may put the glasses into fridge to cool down and in the meanwhile let’s get our final part done.
Chop dates roughly and pour freshly boiled water over the pieces. Use just a couple of tablespoons – we want the dates to soften, so that they are easy to blend (we certainly don’t want to waste any of the amazing sweet date water).
After about 15 minutes put the dates together with water in blender, add two tablespoons of peanut butter and mix them until you get rich and creamy sauce. It’s truly the best caramel I’ve tried ! It tastes much better than ready stuff you can buy in shops. If you want it to be sticky you may leave out the water and blend drained dates with the peanut butter. I always blend them with water - too great a waste to leave it out.
This dessert tastes excellent both chilled and in room temperature, so you don’t need to keep it in fridge, unless you’re planning to eat it the next day (which I doubt because this pudding is so tasty, it won’t last long in your fridge 😉 ).
Quick hint: use the same cup/mug to measure all the ingredients for one recipe - the effect will be the best.
Those desserts are great for well-balanced diet and provide all necessary nutrients, not only for vegans. Fruits, legumes, grains, nuts and cocoa – they're all super tasty and much needed for all of us to enjoy a good health.